

《獅子王》是2019年上映的迪士尼真人版電影,也是迪士尼今年第3部真人版動畫電影,近日剛舉辦完世界首映會,外媒紛紛發表第一手的無雷影評心得,對於《獅子王》視覺特效和配樂歌曲都十分滿意,許多影評人甚至認為彭彭與丁滿搶了整場的風采,多多整理了以下7位外媒的評價,幫助大家在觀影前能了解電影好不好看!如有興趣可以加碼閱讀:2019動畫電影推薦|下半年10部必看動畫片, 光看預告就超期待!


Collider 編輯 Steven Weintraub



Been lucky to have attended a number of world premieres but not sure I’ve ever heard as much clapping during a movie as I did tonight at #TheLionKing . Was like being at a rock concert. Movie is going to make so much money. A few other things on #TheLionKing. The visual effects/animation in the film is INCREDIBLE. For the first time in maybe my entire life as the movie started I got really emotional. Just hearing the music wrecked me. While it’s a story you know, it’s soooooo well done.

Atom Tickets 編輯 Alisha Grauso



The Lion King is a dazzler. Gorgeous score, spot-on voice acting, but mostly, yeah, those visuals. That being said, #TheLionKing does illustrate the limitations of projecting human emotions onto photorealistic animals that can’t convey human expression. 

Geeks of Color 編輯 Dorian Parks



Just finished #TheLionKing! I absolutely loved every second of it. The VFX on the animals were incredibly detailed and the music was on another level. This might be my favorite Disney live action adaption this far!

Uproxx 編輯 Mike Ryan



Holy smokes, I really loved THE LION KING. I think (I think) it’s the most beautiful effects movie I’ve seen. Like next level, the game has changed kind of thing. For the record I’m agnostic on the original movie and have zero nostalgia for it. Anyway, this movie hooked me.

Geek & Glitter 編輯 Wendy Lee Szany


《獅子王》有著極為強大的懷舊之情,能重新在大銀幕上用不同的方式再看一次是一件很美好的事情,配音陣容非常令人驚艷,尤其是幫木法沙配音的詹姆士厄爾瓊斯(James Earl Jones),更是令人十分滿意,而最令我震撼的還是牠死亡被牛群踩過的那一個橋段!

Nostalgia hits HARD with #TheLionKing. It’s wonderful to see the story again on the big screen presented in a different way. The cast is amazing and to hear James Earl Jones as Mufasa again put a huge smile on my face. Oh yea, that stampede scene still gets me. 

Gamespot 編輯 Chris E. Hayner



I just got out of #TheLionKing and really dug it. My fear was realistic animals wouldn’t have the charisma of the cartoon, but they’re very good. Timon and Pumba steal the show. Some of the song/choreo arrangements don’t work as well as the original but still a really fun flick.

爛番茄 影評 HorrorDesignChick


《獅子王》有著令人屏息的視覺特效和完美的配音陣容,但是對我來說,幫「丁滿」配音的比利埃西納(Billy Eichner)和幫「彭彭」配音的塞斯羅根(Seth Rogen)根本是抓住全場觀眾的目光,而且讓我瘋狂大笑,甚至笑到流眼淚!

#TheLionKing has a lot of heart, breathtaking visuals & perfect pairing with the actors. But for me, @billyeichner and @Sethrogen as Timon and Pumbaa stole the show and made me laugh so hard I almost cried.

《獅子王》電影將在2019年7月17日全台各大戲院上映!如有興趣可以加碼閱讀:《獅子王》懶人包|影評彩蛋, 新舊版本評比, 迪士尼真人動畫, 關鍵細節總盤點!







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