《重磅腥聞》電影負面評價流出, 外媒影評人都說了什麼?




Collider 影評人 Matt Goldberg

傑洛奇(Jay Roach)導演希望藉由闡述前福斯新聞董事長羅傑斯艾爾斯(Roger Ailes)的性醜聞案引起一陣轟動,但卻忽略了劇情的渲染力!

Director Jay Roach plays up the sensational aspects of the Fox News/Roger Ailes scandal but renders the film exploitative with its lack of focus.

New Yorker 影評人 Anthony Lane


As often occurs with topical tales, which are hellbent on catching a widespread mood (in this instance, anger and disgust), there’s something hasty and undigested about “Bombshell.”

Should I See It 總編輯  Michael Ward

超級、超級混亂的一部電影,讓人非常的失望! 格蕾琴卡爾森(Gretchen Carlson)值得更好的故事!

A messy, messy movie. What a significant disappointment. (Gretchen) Carlson deserves better.

IGN Movies 總編輯 Kristy Puchko

導演傑洛奇(Jay Roach)Roach和編劇查爾斯蘭道夫(Charles Randolph)在製作《重磅新聞》時,已經有十分偏見的先入為主的觀念了。

Roach and Randolph made this film to preach to a choir that already have their minds made up.

Autostraddle 總編輯 Heather Hogan


It’s fun to watch powerful men get destroyed. What’s not fun is watching bad people take down worse people for self-serving reasons and get treated as heroes for doing it.

Vanity Fair 編輯 Richard Lawson


Bombshell doesn’t really try to explore the moral complexity it sets up.

Alternate Ending 總編輯 Tim Brayton


Imagine Vice cross-bred with Trumbo.

紐約郵報 影評人Johnny Oleksinski

《重磅新聞》是一部很嚴肅的議題,但電影卻沒有試圖要深入探討,而是選擇將福斯新聞頻道(Fox News)中的人物用卡通的方式來呈現。

The drama about a very serious subject shoves aside insight in favor of cartoonish impersonations of Fox News personalities.

AwardsCircuit.com 總編輯 Karen M. Peterson


Bombshell settles for being voyeuristic when it could have been smart and powerful. It is a missed opportunity.

Time Out 影評人 Joshua Rothkopf


The material is worthy, but this continuing struggle deserves a more nuanced take.

Third Coast Review 影評人 Lisa Trifone


Bombshell was recently shortlisted for an Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyle, and it’s perhaps the only accolade I can understand it earning.

Vanyaland 總編輯 Nick Johnston


A miserable waste of time.





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